The Beloved Christmas Quilt was written by Wanda Brunstetter, Jean Brnstetter and Richelle Brunstetter. Three beautiful stories written by 3 very talented women. Each story will fill with warm, peace and a bit of sadness as well. Whether your taken by Luilla's Promise, Karens Gift or Roseanna Groom each story will touch your heart and leave you with a warm fell of the season. It is, my opinion that these 3 ladies have a wonderful future as writers especially the newest comer Wanda's grand daughter Richelle. I look forward seeing more writing from each one of these ladies. I was give a copy of this book for my honest review which I have given. ABOUT THE AUTHOR avorite Verse of Scripture: Proverbs 17:22 — “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Wanda believes that everyone needs a daily dose of humor, because laughter is good medicine. Favorite Hobbies: Wanda enjoys photography, gardening, bird-w...
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