"I want to back, Alvin said. "We're not going back,"Titus said. But deja vu stabbed at his heart. He had definitely been here before. He hadn't gotten coffee. He needed coffee. He hadn't stopped, he hadn't changed anything. " I wouldn't mind going back, "Blaine Said. Titus glanced into the rearview mirror. Eli's head lolled against the seatback. He had fallen asleep while everyone else was chattering. "We're not going back, " Titus said. "Who left you in charge?" Alvin pouted. "I did. " Titus said the words even as he knew that he had said them once before. Nothing was changing. How could they get a second chance if nothing was different?
My Thoughts
"Titus Returns" is the 5th book in Amy Lillards Wells Landing series. It will have your heart feeling heavy in hopes that each character you meet gets a second chance.
When Titus returns home, he often wonders how all this is possible, and how does he find him self still living here? Titus' struggle to find himself to fit in his community troubles him, as he contemplates if he still belongs in this place.
Lillard does an exceptional job bringing everything into a full circle . While you examine your own life and wonder if it were you in these circumstances if you'd forgive. In her writings, Lillard also demonstrates that forgiveness can only be obtained when we truly allow God to move in our lives, they way Titus learns to do. Forgiveness is never easy, giving this beautiful story a read will provide some insight how to forgive, or to heal when seeking forgiveness.
To find out more about Amy Lillard and other writings, you can find her at the links below.
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